Our commitment for a responsible evolution

Our ambition is to achieve to flourish in the world as it is, while contributing to make it what we would like it to be.

The planet is impacted by human activities at a speed and on a scale that now exceed the capacity of renewal of nature. Moreover, the currently dominant economic system causes growing social inequalities.

However, we believe it is possible to exceed the feeling of powerlessness caused by the magnitude of this observation and that each, in its scale and in its own way, may act by making other choices and adapting its behaviour in order to respect nature and others.

Since 2010, we are developing our transition project on the land we acquired at Yegen, in Spain.

We also believe that it is easier to change one’s way of life when it can be based on existing models.
For this reason, we want to participate in spreading alternative choices and contribute to ease the efforts of those who decide to take action.

On this site, we share the useful notes (under open source license) from our researches and experience.

Finally, convinced that local economy and that citizen involvement are the basis of a responsible evolution, we want to take part in local and civic initiatives, and encourage their multiplication.

We participate actively in projects "pour la vie" and "ça arrive près de chez vous"

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